Saturday, June 30, 2012

PPACA and Other Lies!

As Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-2) so succinctly put it: “You lie!” Now the Chief Justice and 3 liberal Justices and one moderate Justice of the SCOTUS have said that PPACA is a tax. The President and his Democrat cohorts repeated over and over that it was not a tax. They lied! They deceived the American people in order to get the bill passed. The top interpreters of the Constitution said that justification with the commerce clause would be unConstitutional. Being an “expert”, Obama might have known that, but admitting it as a tax during the Great Recession would doom it.

Is it any surprise that business has been reluctant to add/create jobs with the “largest tax increase in history” facing them? Between COBRA/EMTALA (free emergency treatment for everyone, legal or not) and PPACA and the fact that the United States does not enforce its immigration laws, America should be a giant magnet for foreigners who want part of the largess of Progressive-Socialism.

Everyone is looking to the 6 November election even though ex-ACORN people will be out in force to vote for the dead (life-challenged), and the tabulations will be done by a Spanish company – after being bailed out/funded by the US Export/Import Bank, the Federal Reserve, the IMF and the World Bank. The IMF decision will be made by a French woman. France elected a Socialist. The French love Obama's policies!

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