Monday, June 18, 2012

Will Someone Vet the Candidates?

I am not a “birther”, but I am skeptical of public officials – even a POTUS – who refuse to release information which can be used to vet them.

As a candidate in 2008, the Democrat-controlled Congress did not properly vet the Democrat candidate. The Certificate of Live Birth on has been declared a forgery by a forensic team in Maricopa County Arizona. College transcripts – which may list Barry Soetoro as a foreign student - are withheld.

I am against the policies of the POTUS because many are unConstitutional – illegal – and will destroy the “rule of law” and eventually the United States of America. Obama shows disdain for the Constitution, the Supreme Court and the Congress. He fires Inspector Generals who criticize his or his apointees' actions. I also believe that the wealth of the United States has come from our free-market economy. A Progressive-Socialist government which controls all aspects of the economy and owns some (GM, AIG, etc.) will fail as others have.

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