Monday, April 12, 2010

Reasons for Unemployment

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish
and you feed him for a lifetime!
The "progressives" much prefer to give out fish in exchange for votes.
In the early 1970s, Future Shock correctly forecast jobs for the next 30
years. We had moved from an agricultural economy, into a
manufacturing economy and then into an informational economy.
The change was measured by the majority job-type. Dr. Walter
Williams pointed out that, in 1790, 90% of Americans were employed
in an agricultural field. By 2005, the percentage had dropped to 3%.
The same thing happened in the manufacturing jobs. As the industries
matured, technology and innovation allowed more production with less
labor. We found better, cheaper ways to get things done. The
computerization of the information age further increased production
while decreasing the need for labor. Robots now do the dangerous jobs
of welding, painting, etc.
The world has now moved into the global economy. A TV ad shows a
doctor vacationing in Denmark while seeing patients at home. A
programmer can easily telecommute, but can also be replaced by
another programmer telecommuting from anywhere on the planet.
The highly-unionized government schools have failed to prepare
American students for the harsh reality that they will face. As
employees they will compete with better-educated foreigners who
will work harder and longer for less pay. While the U.S. cuts the school
year from 180 days due to budgetary reasons, many foreign students go
to school 220 or more days. There is no summer vacation to "harvest
the crops."

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