Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Problem With a Green Economy

Elites would have you believe that there are only pros and
no cons to a green economy.
The Kyoto treaty which Clinton signed but did not send to
Congress, required expensive steps for the "developed nations"
while nothing was required of "developing nations." Copenhagen
reiterated the same policies with "developing nations" only
responsible to the extent that "developed nations provide the
financial and technological support." If we pay for it and
share our technical knowledge for free, then Brazil, Russia,
India, China (BRIC) and other "developing nations" should go
Of the nations who signed and implemented Kyoto and
Copenhagen, most found it effective to move their dirtiest
industries to "developing nations." This is what Enron did
when it created "special purpose entities" to transfer their
debt to. The result has been tremendous growth for BRIC and
stagnant growth and high unemployment for the rest of us.

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