Thursday, January 7, 2010

Predictions for 2010

1. Unemployment will continue above 8% as Democrats seek to
keep wages high and to have "rich" employers pay for their
programs through taxes and surcharges.
2. The Rating on U.S. Treasury bonds will drop below AAA, and
inflation will soar to double digits. Recession will return.
3. Treating GITMO terrorists as criminals and giving them the
same legal rights as American citizens will embolden terrorists.
At least one major terrorist attack will occur.
4. Obama will show friendship toward Muslims rather than Israel.
5. Subsidies on alternative energies will delay further development
of carbon-based fuels like coal and natural gas and will continue
the flow of American capital to foreigners who dislike us.
6. The Secretary of Energy will delay development and modernization
of the nuclear industry. Power will be provided by 40+ year-old
technology and wastes will build up at existing sites. China will
build modern nuclear facilities based on U.S. technology.
7. Several blue states like CA and NY will get taxpayer bailouts
in the form of "Federal" loans which will then be "forgiven."
8. Jesus Christ will catch up true believers into Heaven, and the
world will experience tribulation.

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