Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Health Reform and Evolution

At the present time my doctor will make the life/death
decision if I am incapacitated. If Obamacare becomes law,
then the Federal Health Commissioner and a panel of
politically-appointed "experts" will make rulings which my
doctor must follow - if he wants to be paid.
For several generations now, government schools have taught
that "the universe is self-existing and not created" and that
mankind evolved from a rock/rain soup and is merely a higher
form of animal. This is actually taught as accepted fact even
though the idea cannot be tested in accordance with the
scientific method. It must be accepted by faith.
If we euthanize our pets to end their pain and misery, then
we can also justify the same treatment for the "higher form of
animal" that we call man/woman. We can determine the genetic
status of a baby before birth and can make a life/death decision
based on the "quality of life" or the "national asset value" that
the child will have.
Contrast this idea with the idea of God creating everything.
Each human has his/her name written in the Lamb's Book of Life at
conception, and their name is only removed if they reject Jesus
Christ as Lord. Each human has such worth that God was born as
a man and suffered and died as a man in order to take the
punishment that we deserve. Those who have trusted in Jesus
Christ as Lord are children of God, may call Him "Abba Father"
(Daddy), and are precious in His sight!

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