Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize

The prize for peace was to be awarded to the person who
"shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity
between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing
armies and for the holding of peace congresses."
It is awarded for the 'preservation of peace'.
One possible reason for Barach Obama being awarded this
prize is the shared anti-Semitism with Europe. Martin
Luther had a huge impact on European religion.
Obama has clearly sided with the Arabs against Israel. I
was shocked that Obama received 77% of the Jewish vote in
Nov 2008! Not much later we see President Obama genuflect
to the King of Saudi Arabia! This is a sign of worship!
Europe desperately needs Arab oil and Obama can help them
get it.
He spent his formative years in Muslim schools, so it is
easier to understand his Muslim affinity. However his
Christianity and love for God's Chosen People is suspect.
He also reneged on the promise to Eastern Europe to place
a missile shield there. His timing was questionable being
exactly 70 years since Sept. 17, 1939 when Poland was
invaded by the Soviet Union at the start of World War II.
His top General in Afghanistan had requested 40-60,000 more
troops on 30 Aug. It would have been embarrasing if Obama
had not delayed a decision until after the Nobel award!
He will donate the $1.4M to an unnamed charity. Hillary
had to make her tax return public when she ran for POTUS
and SoS, and it showed the Clintons' favorite charity to
be the Clinton Family Foundation run by Chelsea. Since
Barack and Michele are both lawyers like Bill and Hill,
they will be able to keep the money in the family also.

1 comment:

  1. Well... it makes me very annoyed. That is all.

    We must pray for him. It's the only way I'm going to be able to put up with these things.
