Thursday, November 2, 2017

The United States is Under Attack! - From Within!

___The United States of America is an idea embodied in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Obama's Organizing For Action and the MSM are actively engaged in conduct against the public order, specifically the United States Constitution and the current administration. This is sedition.

___This week the court has said that the IRS actively denied/deferred tax-deductiable status to conservative groups and required the IRS to apologize. The IRS Director Koskinen and Attorney General Holder will not go to prison, but taxpayers will pay over $500 million in fines in civil suits. Lois Lerner pled the 5th and is enjoying her retirement. The Obama administration was illegaly involved in political activism, and was successful in getting re-elected in many 2010 mid-term and in 2012. The fines are nominal considering the damage done by the "Progressives" and RINO establishment in the last 8 years.

___The United States Constitution defines citizenship in the 14th Amendment. A citizen must be subject to the jurisdiction of the Constitution and the laws passed within its context. Citizenship should be revoked for anyone whose sole allegiance is not to the Constitution and the laws passed within its context.

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