Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Incest Between the Medical Industry and Congress

___As we hear the politicians discuss repealing the “Affordable Care And Patient Protection Act,” (ObamaTax) we should trust but verify. The medical industry is wealthy. Malpractice lawyers are wealthy. Both groups like to stay that way! Billion$ have been donated to keep “friendly” politicians in power. The governments like power, and the power to tax is the power to control.

___In the 1980s, a Democrat-controlled Congress passed COBRA/EMTALA. This made emergency medical treatment available to all – including the poor and illegals. The efforts to pass “HillaryCare” and “ObamaCare” were more for the hospitals and insurance companies than for patients. SCOTUS ruled 5-4 that ACAPPA was constitutional as a tax. They also ruled 5-4 that federal exchanges were “state” exchanges for taxpayer subsidy purposes. Indirect medical costs soared. The 9th and 10th Amendments were ignored, and the much-abused 14th was used to legislate from the judicial bench. Killing a baby* is “legal” to preserve the mother's privacy. Taxpayers must pay for it and abortifacient drugs. Medical treatments for the effects of sin (AMA in 1989 says HIV+/AIDS is caused by male-on-male sex 60%, needle sharing 16% and both 13%. The other 11% is collateral damage due to the 89%) must be paid by taxpayers.

___Mosquito-born diseases like malaria are well controlled in the United States. Congress approved $1 Billion for Ebola; $1.1 Billion for Zika; and over $8 Billion for the CURES Act (passed during the lame-duck session in December) funding the National Institutes for Health and Center for Disease Control. There were no Ebola cases in the United States during 2016. It takes these billions of dollars to fly infected medical personnel in private jets to the United States. Since many diseases only exist in Africa and South America, the healthy nations need to set up state-of-the-art isolation hospitals on an island in the Atlantic Ocean to avoid immoral sexual contact (rape, incest, needle sharing, etc). Bringing the infection into the United States is not the answer. Most smallpox and tuberculosis preventatives would not protect our citizens during an outbreak. These diseases have been “cured” for too long.

* No one says “the fetus kicked!”

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