Monday, August 22, 2016

Decreasing Productivity and Increasing Wages

___"Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer called for better fiscal and regulatory policies that could help boost the U.S. economy's flagging productivity growth rate and help the central bank avoid having to drop interest rates to near zero again." The Fed was created in 1913 to maintain a stable currency. Having failed at that, their role was expanded to use monetary policy (low interest rates) to grow the economy. The lower trend in productivity should have nothing to do with the Fed unless industry wants low-interest capital in order to automate.

___We have an anomaly where labor rates are increasing (not necessarily in constant dollars), but productivity is decreasing. In economics only increases in productivity of labor (not automation) should result in wage increases. Now you get paid more whether you work hard or not!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

“Subject to the Jurisdiction Thereof”

___This Constitutional requirement for citizenship means that all citizens – even those “born or naturalized in the United States” must have sole allegiance to the American system written down in our Constitution.

___Donald Trump says “those who share our values and respect our people.” That excludes Islamic extremists. It also excludes Black Lives Matter extremists who riot, loot and murder whenever a legal authority kills a black person who is threatening them. Shariah law is incompatible with our Constitution, so immigrants who would implement Shariah law should never become citizens. The multiculturalism seen in Europe allows Islamic enclaves ruled by Shariah law. Islamic State promotes re-establishing the caliphate (1288 to 1924) with Islam as the state religion and Shariah as the legal and moral law. Shariah law is incompatible with our Constitution.

___Progressives want a North American Union similar to the EU with free movement across the borders with Canada and Mexico and the amero as the common currency. The majority of Americans saw this as a loss of American sovereignty and rejected it. NAFTA was implemented as a compromise and millions of illegal aliens were allowed to enter as “undocumented workers.” The Inspector General reported recently that 6.5 million people on active Social Security numbers were over 112 years of age. That indicates that SSANs were illegally recycled to illegals (employers were to be fined for hiring illegals under the immigration law passed in the 1980s). Progressives are desperate to move prisoners-of-war to the United States so that they will be perceived as citizens with legal protections. If you sleep in a garage, then it does not make you a car!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Business Sense is Needed in Government

___It is important to have someone with business sense running the federal government. We are told that cutting taxes will bankrupt the nation. Do businesses have sales in order to destroy their business or to increase the number of customers? We have too many economists who have never run a business!

___Profit is Sales minus Costs. Taxes are a cost which reduces profit. We must make a profit in order to remain in business and keep employees working. Labor is a cost. When automation costs less than manual labor, then we automate and reduce workers. At one time over 90% of Americans were involved in agriculture. Now less than 5% are, but we produce more food! The tractor is more productive than a mule and plow. Technology allows us to plant drought and pest-resistant crops. The same technology effect is true with manufacturing. Some in labor have unrealistic expectations of doing the same job that their father and grandfather did. When excessive labor, regulatory and tax costs drive businesses away, labor blames China or Mexico or big corporations.

___It is unfortunate that people will vote for the politician who offers the largest bribe (PC: incentive). There are over 42 million voting-age Americans with student debt. One bribe will be student loan forgiveness and, while we're at it, free college whether qualified or not. When all but six or seven states are essentially decided, the election will be easily (and illegally) won. Both political parties commit fraud, but there is a reason Progressives hate voter ID! Project Vote has succeeded well in enfranchising the dead and paid transient voters. The IRS has illegally suppressed conservative voting. Government runs the election process (and the DMV and USPS)! Mistakes are made and the effect lasts for years.

___There is a constitutional remedy for federal corruption, but one SC Representative (R-Chester) prevented it. Too bad for US! Hillary was “extremely careless” and did “exceptionally grave damage to the national security.” Our enemies would vote for her!