Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit and Our Declaration of Independence

___It has been 240 years since English colonists in America declared their independence from King George and Parliament in England. Now the English in England have declared their independence from the European Union with the Brexit vote of 51.9%. In the former it was “taxation without representation.” In the latter it was essentially the same since the United Kingdom's role was minimized as one of 26 member states while being taxed heavily as the second largest economy. Certainly uncontrolled immigration and national sovereignty were major concerns.

___The people's rejection of ruling by distant elites can also be applied to the 2016 elections in the United States. The “less-educated” - according to the WSJ - voted to leave the EU. The Americans who want a change in the political establishment in Washington, D.C. probably have spent less time in the government schools emphasizing “Common Core.” The secular Humanists in universities want to eradicate God, have taxpayer-funded abortion and sex education, have free college and student loan forgiveness, have high minimum wage, have national blessing of the LBGT lifestyle and taxpayer funding for the consequences (HIV, AIDS, Zika, etc). Ignorant graduates when asked to define “democratic socialism” describe “being social and caring about others” instead of the ideology of Marx and Lenin.

___The Progressives want a North American Union with no borders between Mexico-U.S. or U.S.-Canada, unrestricted immigration in the NAU and the Amero as the common currency. They have promised punishment for the U.K starting with “moving to the back of the line” for trade. If anything, trade with the U.K. should be as unrestricted as that with Canada. It was appropriate for Trump to speak on their behalf from the U.K. Our economic relationship should blossom under a Trump presidency. What we both need is another Margaret Thatcher! She was Reagan's mentor and helped to dismantle European socialism. It needs to happen again.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Birthright Citizenship Illegal in U.S.A.

___Many people by deceit or ignorance state that any child born in the United States is automatically a citizen of the United States. This was “birthright citizenship” in 17th century England. The United States Constitution 14th Amendment places two requirements for citizenship: 1) born or naturalized in the United States; 2) subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

___If the wife of a foreign diplomat who has diplomatic immunity gives birth in the United States, then the baby is not a citizen. We can also tell that a mother who enters the United States illegally is not “ subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” I believe that the same is true for the unborn child, but suppose we do not know until the child is born. If the child ever commits a crime, then the child should be stripped of citizenship along with punishment for the crime. If the child shows allegiance to another country – by waving that flag – then the child should be stripped of citizenship.

___Common sense fails many judges when they consider the words of the Constitution. In 1857 the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided in Dred Scott that no black of African descent could be a citizen of the United States. The Congress corrected this horrendous decision with the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The peoples' House is where such issues should be debated and settled. The problem is that laws are not being enforced. We no longer have rule of law. We are ruled by bureaucrats and judges who ignore the law or refuse to enforce it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Welcome to Shariah Law!

___The Orlando shooting was predictable – if you acknowledge that most terrorists are Islamists. Under Shariah law, homosexuality is a capital crime. So is being an infidel, but you are given the “opportunity” to convert before you are beheaded.

___The idea of gun control as a solution is akin to airplane control as a solution to 9/11. AG Holder gave thousands of weapons to criminals. If they can't buy them on the black market, then the Obama folks give them out – without a backgound check!

___ISIS wants to re-establish the caliphate (Ottoman Empire) which existed from 1299 to 1924. Britain and France divided up the Middle East after WWI with little understanding of ethnic differences like Sunni and Shi'ia. Terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood are treated like political parties. Israel is encouraged to “make peace” with these groups sworn to destroy them.

___It was easier to declare that we are “at war with terror” in 2001. The massive loss on 9/11 was horrifying – as was the loss in Boston, San Bernadino, Orlando, etc. Our representatives in Congress should formally declare war on terrorists everywhere who threaten the United States. The last time that war was declared was 75 years ago in 1941. Many Americans have lost their lives in “political excursions” since then – over 58,000 in my generation!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

It's Called Hyperbole and It's Intentional Exaggeration to Mislead

___The current "they are trying to draft our daughters and girlfriends" argument reminds me of Gore's "the Arctic ice is melting; polar bears will die; and Miami will be under 20 feet of water." This is intentional exaggeration calculated to mislead. There is no draft, and Congress would have to act to reinstate it. Miss USA says that women can perform as well in combat as men. I am sure that she is talking about Ziva David of NCIS instead of June Cleaver of Leave It To Beaver! Gore was right that some ice melted due to summer sun and some polar bears died. There has been an increase in polar bears, and the streets of Miami are still dry - except when it rains.

___People who communicate should avoid false generalizations and intentional exaggerations. I am amazed at the apparent ignorance of English by the media - particularly using adjectives when adverbs are required and the use of can and may. You wonder whether they are deceitful or just ignorant.