Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Is it Unconstitutional to Block Muslim Refugees?

___The Constitution of the United States gives Congress power to make laws concerning immigration. The refugees are not citizens and do not have the rights of citizens. The President, who was an instructor on the Constitution, does not - or chooses not to - understand Constitutional citizenship. He has tried to define prisoners of war at GTMO as criminals who are due the legal protections of citizenship and our court system. Can you imagine a jury of their "peers" (jihadists) deciding their innocence!

___The true refugees are the "infidels", those who are persecuted because the have not become Muslims. Yet some are quick to say that we cannot place a "religious test" on which refugees we take. Really?!!! The 1st Amendment states that Congress shall make no law establishing a state religion or prohibiting the free exercise of Americans' religion. We do have a choice as to which aliens we allow into our country! Those allowed in should have exclusive allegiance to the United States and our Constitution.

___SC State Representative Bill Taylor has correctly suggested that our compassion be directed instead to the 50,000 homeless veterans who have suffered to keep us safe.

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