___The California case involved 32 year old Kathryn Steinle, who was walking with her father on a pier in the “sanctuary city” of San Francisco. An illegal immigrant who had been deported
five times prior killed her. The Texas case involved an illegal immigrant who had been deported
four times prior. Police say the man admitted to murdering his wife with a hammer.
___The legal authorities responsible for these tragedies should be arrested and tried as accessories to murder. There must be penalties for allowing crimes to be committed. It is called a rule of law. Otherwise we are no different from a third-world country.
___This includes automatically giving "citizenship" to babies born in the United States. The much abused 14th Amendment has a second condition: subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Babies could get "conditional citizenship" until it becomes evident that they are not subject to the Constitution. At that point, they should be stripped of their birthright citizenship and deported. Citizenship should always be a privilege.
___San Francisco is directly violating federal law, as are all of the other sanctuary cities. Under Section 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. §1373), it is a violation of federal law for any state or local government to “prohibit, or in any way restrict” law enforcement or other government officials from sending or receiving information from the federal government on the “citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.”
___Three murders (Tony Bologna and his two teenage sons) occurred in 2008. The Mayor and City Council of San Francisco are accessories. The Steinle and Bologna families need to bring a civil suit against them regardless of an criminal action. A multimillion dollar judgement against city officials might get their attention!