Saturday, April 4, 2015

Equal Opportunity v. Equal Results

___Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, has made it clear that he wants equal results in America - and the world. That is the result of socialism - except the leaders have much more than the masses. We have an oligarchy - a government in which a small group exercises control - especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. The Constitution allows more than 10,000 Representatives in the House (1 per 30,000), Congress has capped its own membership at 435! I favor an increase to 4350. This will make Representatives more accountable and make it easier for less wealthy individuals to be elected and serve. This is NOT an increase in the size of government! Adding Inspectors General (IGs) to discover corruption saves billions of dollars. PoTUS has been firing them for doing that! The same benefit will be true by increasing scrutiny of those in Congress. Technology has made it possible for members of Congress to serve from a local office in their district.

___The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution establish a rule of law which allows equal opportunity instead. Success is not guaranteed, but there are few limits for self motivated individuals. There will obviously be some who succeed and those who fail. The "income level" of those who make good choices will be significantly higher than that of those who make bad choices. We have lots of statistics which show the poverty level of families headed by a husband and wife living together and those with a single parent. People with more education succeed to much higher levels than those who drop out because of pregnancy, drugs or "it was too hard!" The people with higher skills continue to get "richer" than those with no skills. This should not be a surprise!

___The growing income disparity is due to success for those at the top rather than failure for those at the bottom. We have a more than adequate safety net in the United States - so much so that there is actually a disincentive to work at the lowest levels. Our "poverty level" per capita income would be at least middle class in over 100 countries in the world!

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