Friday, March 6, 2015

Is The American Voter Stupid?

___Professor Gruber is probably right. The American voter is stupid. I would probably say “ignorant” or “uninformed” because I would not want to damage the self esteem of anyone!

___Someone said that we should study history so that we would not repeat the errors of the past. Yet we fall for the class warfare and gender warfare and race warfare rhetoric again and again. The 16th amendment allowed the creation of an income tax. It was argued that only those with the top 5% of incomes would actually pay the tax and that the top rate would only be 7%. It is argued that women make only nn% of the salary of men. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 required that there be equal pay for equal jobs if skills and experience of the employees were also equal. It is argued that black people must be given an advantage in hiring and promotion because of abuses against ancestors in the past. We celebrate a national holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. He said that he had a dream that all people would be treated equally regardless of the color of their skin. He stressed the content of their character instead. The race activists like Jackson, Sharpton and even AG Holder undercut his teaching and leadership.

___We have a mulatto President who claims to be black. Speaker John Boehner has darker skin. We do not know much about Barry, because his records are sealed. His Attorney General controls access to all legal records of the President. We do know that he was a practicing Muslim from age 6 to 10 while attending school in Indonesia. We do know that he was a “Jeremiah Wright” christian for at least 20 years.

___The President likes to do things behind close doors like PPACA and the U.S.-Iran nuclear treaty. In both cases we are told to wait for the finished product before commenting. The Prime Minister of Israel is not included even though Iran has openly threatened to annihilate his country. Netanyahu reminds us that Iran is a “security” problem for America and a “survival” problem for Israel.

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