Friday, November 28, 2014

Illegal Rather Than unConstitutional

___People's eyes glaze over when we say something is “unConstitutional” because they have never studied the Constitution. I now prefer “illegal.” It is appropriate to say that POTUS, his AG, the Congress, SCOTUS and lower courts have conducted illegal activities. Each took an oath like I did to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.” The difference is that I did not lie.

___The job of the Congress is to represent the people and fund the government by debating the merits of and passing multiple appropriations bills. Instead it waits until the last month and passes a “must pass”, omnibus continuing resolution with “earmarks” like Export/Import Bank which funds the government through 11 December. The Constitution does not allow the federal government to be in the banking business (except for the Fed, which is another topic). Ex/Im was illegal in 1934, and it still is.

___The job of POTUS is to faithfully execute the laws passed by the peoples' representatives in the Congress. This president and his AG have decided cafeteria-style which laws they will execute and which they will ignore. He has generated thousands of regulations which form an illegal administrative body of “laws” (regulations and executive orders) not passed by Congress but having the effect of law.

___The courts responsibilities and limits are described in Article III of the Constitution. Some of the courts have illegally created “laws” (legislated from the bench) and nullified the expressed will of the people.

___The United States is a Constitutional republic – not a democracy. The law is written down in the Constitution. It is not to be changed on a whim by majority vote or by tyrants. Some changes have been very destructive: the 14th, a slavery amendment, has been used to murder more than 55 million babies; the eighteenth, passed to legislate a moral idea, actually organized crime and disrespect for the law and was repealed.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Ferguson Protestors are Opportunistic Criminals

___Anytime someone steals from another it is a crime. They are using this black criminal's death as an excuse. Like POTUS they are not interested in the law (the facts considered by the Grand Jury), they are taking advantage of a created "crisis."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Gender Bias in the Workplace?

The Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires employers to pay equally regardless of gender if the work and work environment are the same, seniority is the same, quality and quantity of output is the same and other work standards, other than gender, are the same. It is illegal for employers to pay men and women differently under these conditions.

Most of the statistics that are used to “prove” wage discrimination based on gender ignore the law. It is true that a doctor's office with two male doctors and two female nurses, a female billing clerk and a female receptionist will pay males more than females per capita. It is not discrimination under the law because training and skill are different for the males and the females in this example. If a female science teacher with 20 years of experience is paid less than a male science teacher with one year of experience and all other variables are equal, then the employer has probably broken the law and may be sued or put in prison.

We discriminate based on race and gender all of the time. We pass affirmative action laws which give one race preference over another in hiring and promotion and admission to schools. We require males to register for the draft at age 18, but not females.

The arguments based on lies or bad statistics work because government schools in general produce voters without the ability to think critically; who haven't studied our founding documents; and are fed error by an ignorant media who went to those government schools. The director of the Christian school where my children were taught told the students often that “thinking is permitted at all times – without permission!”

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

United States of America War Deaths

War__________ Combat _______Total

Revolutionary___ 8,000 _______25,000

War of 1812____ 2,260 ________15,000

Mexican-US_____ 1,733 ________13,283

Civil-USA______ 140,414 ______364,511

Civil-CSA_______ 74,524 ______299,524

WWI__________ 53,402 ______116,516

WWII_________ 291,557 _____405,399

Korean_______ 33,686 _______36,516

Vietnam______ 47,424 _______58,209

Gulf War______ 149 ___________294

Afghan______ 1,742 _________2,229

Iraq________ 3,527 _________4,488

Total______ 848,163 _____1,321,612

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Creed of the Nanny State by B.H. Obama

“Sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that’s not a choice we want Americans to make,” Obama said. “So let’s make this happen: By the end of this decade, let’s enroll 6 million children in high-quality preschool, and let’s make sure that we are making America stronger.”

This is the nanny state plan. Note "the rest of her life." The mother training her children in their home is the most important job in America. If the wife is the better provider, then the husband can fulfill the role. Parents are far more important than a nanny - especially if they are Christians. A nanny might not "train up a child in the way he/she should go."

How well is the public school system working?! It is also illegal to pay a woman less than a man for the same job ("lower wage")!