Thursday, October 23, 2014

Government Health Policies for Ebola

The policies of the government involving Ebola and other diseases are stupid! The last thing that the United States needs is to introduce diseases which have no cure and are 70% fatal.

The major problem is centered in West Africa. Only 350 miles to the west are the Cape Verde Islands. The entire planet should subsidize a modern medical facility on one of the islands which can be used to isolate the victims from all over the world and tightly control their treatment. This plan was used by the Kingdom of Hawaii in the 19th century to isolate lepers on the island of Molokai.

Over a century ago Ellis Island was used as a screening area for immigrants coming to America. Current day immigrants should also be screened for serious medical conditions. Illnesses which kill millions each year worldwide are not seen here because the diseases have been eridicated. We are again vulnerable to new strains of old diseases and previously unseen diseases.

The TV series “The Last Ship” presents the situation clearly with a deadly virus killing billions worldwide while a lab on the ship is feverishly seeking a cure. There are even elites within the government who sieze the cure once it is found and determine who is worthy of receiving it – and you thought eugenics was dead!

The Center for Disease Control has a vested interest in bringing Ebola patients to the United States. They are already asking for budget increases to “fight this crisis.” We need to prohibit to the greatest extent possible deadly bacteria and viruses from our land.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Women in Islam and Christianity

In Islam, rape of a woman is essentially legal under Sharia. In court, a woman's testimony is worth half as much as that of a man. The victim must produce four witnesses who were present and observed the rape. If the rape is not proved, then the woman may be stoned to death for adultery. Consider the spread of STDs, HIV/AIDS and Ebola in Islamic countries.

Polygamy is acceptable. Muhammed had nine wives and numerous concubines. A man may divorce his wife by declaring: “I divorce you.” A temporary marriage (ie for 3 days) is acceptable.

Circumcision is required for both men and women. Female circumcision is designed to diminish a woman's sexual response, so that she will be less likely to committ adultery.

In current Christianity women are special. God created Eve as a help-mate for Adam. Sex was and should be a blessing within the context of marriage. Rape is a capital crime.

While the man is designated the head of the wife, the context is as Jesus is head of the Church. Husbands are to love their wives as Jesus loved the Church and gave himself for her. Being willing to die a cruel death for her does not describe a domineering man.

Kings David and Solomon were both polygamists. They wrote Psalms and Proverbs lamenting and repenting for their bad decisions. Solomon as a young man describes an intimate and steamy love for his wife. He wrote Ecclesiastes late in life. The theme is that worldly things that men cherish in life are meaningless in the end.

Circumcision of males is practiced within Judaism and among Christians, but there are valid health reasons for the practice.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Research Requested on Historical Topics

In 1860 the northern states were using tariffs to create a business advantage over foreign competitors. With a 22M to 7M population advantage, the northern states controlled national tariff policy. The southern states were forced to send raw resources, like cotton, to northern manufacturers and buy the finished goods from northern stores. This is similar to the situation in 1770 between England and her colonies.

In 1962 Russian ships were enroute to Cuba with missiles which could be used to attack the United States. In 1861 Lincoln sent ships to resupply a United States fort in Charleston harbor. Fort Sumter threatened shipping in and out of this Confederate States of America port. It was attacked and surrendered.

The Great Depression was ended by the pent-up demand due to rationing and the full employment created by World War II. The United States made tanks, airplanes, ships and jeeps instead of washers, dryers, cars and other durable goods. The forced savings caused by rationing made money available to buy the durable goods, and the end of the war allowed a “full-speed” manufacturing sector to easily transition from war machines to home machines.

Administrative law is being used instead of Constitutional law to take control of the United States. This began innocently with the Interstate Commerce Commission in the 19th century, but so many regulations are created by so many Executive agencies that rules with the force of law exist without input from the peoples' representatives in Congress. See (September 2014).

I am unable to write research/white papers on these topics, however I can pay a reasonable amount for one or more.