Thursday, June 13, 2013

Religious Liberty In the U.S. Armed Forces from FRC

"The Obama administration has joined forces with those who are attacking the religious freedoms of those who serve in our Armed Services. The administration's opposition to Rep. Fleming's religious freedom amendment reveals that this administration has gone beyond accommodating the anti-Christian activists who want to remove any vestige of Christianity from the military, to aiding them by blocking this bipartisan measure.

"The Fleming amendment protects the right of service members to not only hold religious beliefs but to act on them and freely practice those beliefs as long as they pose no threat to U.S. Constitutional liberties.

"This chilling suppression of religious freedom is driving faith underground in our military and will eventually drive it out. This not only deprives those who serve of the benefits that flow from religious participation, but it undermines the moral foundation of the world's most powerful military and the country they serve. This should concern everyone.

"We commend Rep. Fleming and the House Armed Services Committee for taking action to protect the rights of service members to freely practice and express their faith. More than 167,000 Americans have signed our petitions in the wake of religious liberty violations that are becoming more and more frequent."

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