Sunday, December 2, 2012

The "Fiscal Cliff" ?

Over a year ago the Republican leadership caved on a debt-ceiling increase. Democrats got an immediate debt-ceiling increase and Republicans got a promise of spending cuts to be determined by a super-committee. When the bi-partisan group did nothing to cut spending, then automatic spending cuts will happen 1 January.

The Republican leaders - who happen to like big government - were conned again. Even Reagan in the 1980s agreed to amnesty in return for tougher immigration reform. The legislation was passed, but the Democrats had no intention of paying for enforcement.

Obviously sequestration was acceptable to the Republicans and the Democrats because that is what they agreed to over a year ago! At this point the Republicans should let the tax cuts die and across-the-board cuts take place. They have already compromised to get to this point. Admit that last year's deal was bad for America. There should be no other concessions.

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