Thursday, April 5, 2012

Obama and the Supreme Court

BHO: "I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not
take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step
of overturning a law that was passed by a strong
majority of a democratically elected Congress."
I am shocked that Harvard Law School did not cover
Marbury, 1803 or NIRA, 1935. Was Obama asleep those
days? How many other discussions of Acts passed by
Congress and declared illegal by the Supreme Court did
he miss? Please read the full article by Dr. Sowell:

You can tell when the Liar-in-Chief is lying. His lips
are moving.

1 comment:

  1. The National Industrial Recovery Act was passed in 1933. Among other things, it established a minimum wage and price controls. The House of Representatives had 313 Democrats and 117 Republicans. The Senate had 59 and 36 respectively. FDR created the National Recovery Administration by Executive Order the same day that he signed the bill.
