Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homeland Security Video Pits Americans Against Americans

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security under
the new administration issued a report on "Right-wing
Extremism" in the United States. The report depicted as
possible terrorists those interested in end times
prophecies; concerned about a possible economic collapse;
opposed to illegal immigration, abortion, and same sex
marriage; opposed to restrictions on the right to bear
arms; and Americans who are returning veterans from Iraq
and Afghanistan. Now, a new DHS video release depicts
mostly white Americans as terrorist suspects and
encourages all Americans to spy on their neighbors and
report any suspicious activity to the government.

The 10 minute video makes a point to say that terrorists
are not a specific race, religion or gender, but rather
comprise specific behaviors that are suspicious and out
of ordinary. The video is entitled "If you see something,
say something." Throughout the movie it has several black
people reporting the suspicious activities of white people.
In fact, of the approximately 22 people portrayed as
terrorists in the video, 17 are white males, two are white
females, one is a black female, one is a black male, and
one is a Muslim of Middle Eastern descent. The Muslim is
only found on a newspaper headline with his name beside his
picture. All but three of the others are actually
committing suspicious acts.

The underlying messages of this video are incredible.
Blacks are encouraged to report to the Department of
Homeland Security any suspicious activities of whites.
Whites are predominantly purveyors of terrorism in America.
Terrorism is not connected to any religion or race, except
whites. Truth is, this is a $10 million taxpayer funded
class warfare propaganda film pitting Americans against
Americans on the basis of race, while at the same time
ignoring the very fact that the overwhelming majority of
terrorist acts are perpetrated by followers of Islam. That
the government of the United States would propagate such
suspicion and distrust among its people is immoral and

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