Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Michelle Obama Staff & Salaries

1. Susan Sher, Chief of Staff; $172,200

2. Joceyln C. Frye, Director of Policy and Projects for
the First Lady; $140,000

3. Desiree G. Rogers, White House Social Secretary; $113,000

4. Camille Y. Johnston, Director of Communications for
the First Lady; $102,000

5. Melissa E. Winter, Deputy Chief of Staff to the First
Lady; between $90K and $102K

6. David S. Medina, Deputy Chief of Staff to the First Lady;

7. Catherine M. Lelyveld, Press Secretary; $84,000

8. Frances M. Starkey, Scheduling and Advance for the First
Lady; $75,000

9. Trooper Sanders, Deputy Director of Policy and Projects;

10. Erinn J. Burnough, Deputy Director and Deputy Social
Secretary; $65,000

11. Joseph B. Reinstein, Deputy Director and Deputy Social
Secretary; between $62,000 and $65,000

12. Jennifer R. Goodman, Deputy Director of Scheduling and
Events Coordinator; $62,000

13. Alan O. Fitts, Deputy Director of Advance and Trip
Director; $60,000

14. Dana M. Lewis, Special Assistant and Personal Side;
between $52,500 and $60,000

15. Semonti M. Mustaphi, Associate director and Deputy
Press Secretary; $52,500

16. Kristen E. Jarvis, Special Assistant for Scheduling
and Traveling Aide; $50,000

17. Tyler A. Lechtenbert, Associate director of
Correspondence; $45,000

18. Samantha Tubman, Deputy Associate Director, Social
Office; between $40,000 and $$45,000

19. Joseph J. Boswell, Executive Assistant to the Chief
of Staff to the First Lady, $40,000

20. Sally M. Armbruster, Staff Assistant to the Social
Secretary; $36,000

21. Natalie Bookey, Staff Assistant; about $36,000

22. Delila A. Jackson, Associate Director of
Correspondence; About $36,000

Lady Bird had a staff of 30, and Jackie had 40.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Glenn Beck at Restoring Courage

In Israel, there is more courage in one square mile than
in all of Europe. In Israel, there is more courage in one
soldier than in the combined and cold hearts of every
bureaucrat at the United Nations. In Israel, you can find
people who will stand against incredible odds… against the
entire tide of global opinion, for what is right and good
and true.

Socialism v. Capitalist Free Markets

Obama’s home state of Illinois is like most other blue states.
Economically it is a basket case; an absolute wreck. Illinois
spends more than it takes in. Earlier this year, it had an
eight billion dollar deficit. So what did Illinois do? It
raised its state income tax from 3% to 5%; a 66% increase. It
also increased its corporate income tax from 4.8% to 7%. It
does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened
next. Since the tax hike, Illinois has lost almost 100,000
jobs. In July, Illinois lost 24,900 jobs. That is what you
call an economy in free fall.
Contrast Illinois with a couple of other states. Wisconsin
elected conservatives in 2010 and they enacted business
friendly legislation. Wisconsin added 9,500 jobs in June, a
month in which the entire nation only added 18,000 jobs.

If you want a real success story, look at Virginia. Under
Governor Bob McDowell, Virginia was facing budget problems.
Instead of raising taxes, he cut spending. When he took over
from Democrat Tim Kaine, Virginia had a $4.2 billion dollar
deficit. Kaine, in typical Democrat fashion, said the only way
the budget deficit could be closed was with a massive $2 billion
dollar tax hike on the citizens of Virginia. McDowell fought
back an attempt to enact that $2 billion personal income tax
increase. The result? Virginia has a $544 million surplus.
Virginia has an unemployment rate of 6.1 percent, as opposed to
the national rate of 9.1 percent.

Maryland is another state to take a look at. It is a solidly
blue state with a socialist governor. Martin O’Malley presided
over the largest increase in taxes in Maryland’s history,
including the “millionaire’s tax” he championed. This was to
close Maryland’s budget deficit. The millionaire’s tax that
O’Malley championed was a 6.25% tax on their income. Since
some cities in Maryland are able to impose city income taxes,
the highest rate in Maryland can be 9.45%. Of course, the
liberals predicted Maryland Millionaires would gladly pony up
their hard earned money. Do you know what happens when you
put socialists in charge of government? The “wealthy”
disappear. In 2008, the year before the “millionaire’s tax,”
there were about 3,000 millionaire tax returns filed. The
following year, there were only 2,000. In short, one third of
the rich disappeared from Maryland. Certainly the bad economy
knocked some out of the millionaire bracket, but a lot of them
simply left Maryland for friendlier states, such as Tennessee,
Texas and Florida, that do not tax personal income.
O’Malley’s policies have been such an abject failure that he
is now proposing yet another tax increase.
Meanwhile, in Maryland, the unemployment rate is over 7.2%.

If you look across the United States, the blue states are
economic basket cases while the solidly red states are doing
much better. There is a reason for that. Socialism does not
If the National Republican Party had some sense, it would be
advertising across the nation the great successes conservatives
have had at the state level, cutting taxes, creating jobs and
mitigating the damage from the Obama depression.
The Fair Tax, a consumption tax on new goods rather than an
income tax, does not drive wealth from America. With the
prebate, it is not regressive. The Federal Reserve's policy
to devalue the dollar hurts the elderly and the poor the most.
Governor Perry has correctly labeled it treason.

Monday, August 22, 2011

22 August 1967, I Enter USAF

Forty-four years ago today I was at Fort Jackson, SC to
enter the United States Air Force. After physicals and
the oath, we flew to San Antonio, TX then by bus to
Lackland AFB. Our Officer Training School class was so
large that several squadrons were on Lackland main base
(including me) while most were at Medina.
Rather than sleeping we in-processed all morning. We had
a full day of PT and cleaning our "new" 3-man rooms. We
finally got "lights out" about midnight.
For the next 12 weeks we marched, had PT, had classes on
leadership and everything military and cleaned everything.
Our new haircuts made shampooing quick and easy - which
was good since we were only allowed a few seconds.
"Gentlemen, the time is 0530. All overhead lights ON. The
uniform of the day is 1505s".
The graduation parade was 17 Nov 67 for over 1000 new 2nd
Lieutenants. My parents pinned on bars labeled "Mom" and
"Pop" - strictly forbidden.
Instead of Vietnam I went to Columbia, MO for graduate
school in math, Colorado Springs, CO for NORAD, and a
classified location in Australia.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homeland Security Video Pits Americans Against Americans

In April 2009, the Department of Homeland Security under
the new administration issued a report on "Right-wing
Extremism" in the United States. The report depicted as
possible terrorists those interested in end times
prophecies; concerned about a possible economic collapse;
opposed to illegal immigration, abortion, and same sex
marriage; opposed to restrictions on the right to bear
arms; and Americans who are returning veterans from Iraq
and Afghanistan. Now, a new DHS video release depicts
mostly white Americans as terrorist suspects and
encourages all Americans to spy on their neighbors and
report any suspicious activity to the government.

The 10 minute video makes a point to say that terrorists
are not a specific race, religion or gender, but rather
comprise specific behaviors that are suspicious and out
of ordinary. The video is entitled "If you see something,
say something." Throughout the movie it has several black
people reporting the suspicious activities of white people.
In fact, of the approximately 22 people portrayed as
terrorists in the video, 17 are white males, two are white
females, one is a black female, one is a black male, and
one is a Muslim of Middle Eastern descent. The Muslim is
only found on a newspaper headline with his name beside his
picture. All but three of the others are actually
committing suspicious acts.

The underlying messages of this video are incredible.
Blacks are encouraged to report to the Department of
Homeland Security any suspicious activities of whites.
Whites are predominantly purveyors of terrorism in America.
Terrorism is not connected to any religion or race, except
whites. Truth is, this is a $10 million taxpayer funded
class warfare propaganda film pitting Americans against
Americans on the basis of race, while at the same time
ignoring the very fact that the overwhelming majority of
terrorist acts are perpetrated by followers of Islam. That
the government of the United States would propagate such
suspicion and distrust among its people is immoral and

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage Act

H.R.668 The Shield Act
The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) According to the Report of the Commission to Assess the
Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse Attack
(in this Act referred to as the `EMP Commission Report'), the
society and economy of the United States are `critically
dependent upon the availability of electricity.'

(2) According to the EMP Commission Report, `continued
electrical supply is necessary for sustaining water supplies,
production and distribution of food, fuel, communications, and
everything else that is part of our economy'.

(3) According to the EMP Commission Report, `contemporary
U.S. society is not structured, nor does it have the means,
to provide for the needs of nearly 300 million Americans
without electricity.'

(4) According to the EMP Commission Report, due to the existing
electrical system operating at or near its physical capacity,
`a relatively modest upset to the system can cause functional

(5) According to the EMP Commission Report, electromagnetic
pulse (in this Act referred to as `EMP') is a threat to the
overall electrical power system.

(6) According to the EMP Commission Report, EMP occurs both
naturally, such as geomagnetic storms, and via man-made

(7) According to the EMP Commission Report, while the electric
infrastructure `has a degree of durability against . . . the
failure of one or a small number of [electric] components,'
the current strategy for recovery leaves the United States
ill-prepared to respond effectively to an EMP attack that
would potentially result in damage to vast numbers of
components nearly simultaneously over an unprecedented
geographic scale.

(8) According to the EMP Commission Report, EMP `may couple
ultimately unmanageable currents and voltages into an
electrical system routinely operated with little margin and
cause the collapse of large portions of the electrical

(9) According to the EMP Commission Report, a collapse of large
portions of the electrical system will result in significant
periods of power-outage and `restoration from collapse or loss
of significant portions of the system [will be] exceedingly

(10) According to the EMP Commission Report, `should the
electrical power system be lost for any substantial period of
time . . . the consequences are likely to be catastrophic to
civilian society.'

(11) According to the EMP Commission Report, `the Commission
is deeply concerned that [negative] impacts [on the electric
infrastructure] are certain in an EMP event unless practical
steps are taken to provide protection for critical elements
of the electric system.'

Herman Cain on Immigration

My four-part solution to the immigration problem:
Secure the border for real,
Enforce the laws that already exist,
Empower the states to enforce those laws, and
Promote the current legal path to citizenship.
It's called legal immigration.

Herman Cain is still my choice for President, although
Perry/Cain would be a good ticket.
Newt Gingrich for his Chief of Staff
Michelle Bachmann for U.S. Treasurer