Friday, January 14, 2011

Notice to School Boards

You are responsible for the education of children in Aiken
County. Part of that responsibility is to protect them
from error. We have seen a lack of integrity among
scientists involved in “Climategate” where data was selected
to prove a premise. There are great rewards such as grants
– and even Oscars and Nobel Prizes for politicians who sell
the false premise.
I received my Master of Science degree in 1969
(U. of Missouri), so I have decades of experience in the
scientific world. The recent lack of integrity among
scientists is not isolated to the global warming scam.
Those scientists who believe in the evolution idea have
actively suppressed data which questions the idea. I do
not call the evolution idea a theory because it is not
science. No “theory” of origins may be science, because
science is about observations, hypotheses and repeatable
experiments by peers.
John Dewey signed the first Humanist Manifesto in
1933. It states that “The universe is self-existing and
not created.” He was at Columbia University training
teachers. Humanist ideas have become embedded in both
teachers and textbooks that they have written.
My Bible tells me that Jesus Christ created
everything. To teach otherwise is to deny Him. My Bible
also tells me that those who deny Him will spend eternity
in the lake of fire. You may be a born-again believer,
but, if you even passively allow error to be taught by
those under your control, you will soon answer to God for
that failure. To whom much is given, much is expected.

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