Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Gasps of the Democratic Majority

We should be outraged at the activities of the Federal
Government. They continue to break the law despite their
recent rhetoric. The Congress failed in their primary
responsibility – to evaluate the President's budget and
appropriate monies to fund Constitutional activities of
Fiscal Year 2011 began 1 October with none of the
appropriations bills passed. As is customary, the Congress
has passed two Continuing Resolutions with deadlines of 4
December and 18 December to fund the government. The
leadership then uses extortion to force the rest of House
and Senate members to vote for legislation they would
normally defeat.
The line-item veto would not be necessary if Congress
ever passed a “clean” bill. The bill to prevent tax
increases on 1 January, forced Congress to extend
unemployment compensation (UC) another 13 months. The 2%
decrease in F.I.C.A. Payroll deductions will be an excellent
stimulus. It is strange that putting more in the workers
money was not tried earlier. The bailouts of unions and
mismanaged states obviously did not work. We are
“heartless and without compassion for fellow Americans”
if we do not extend UC to 99 weeks plus 13 months at Hanukah
and Christmas! It is possible that those folks on UC after
99 weeks are waiting for jobs which will never return. Over
three years of UC is as dumb as FDR's program to kill and
bury hogs and dump milk down sewers in the 1930s when
Americans went hungry. As Margaret Thatcher said,
socialism [central planning] fails because eventually you run
out of other peoples' money!
Congress wants to repeal “don't ask, don't tell”, pass START
and pass a CR with a deadline of February or March or … The
Conservatives need to stand firmly until they are dismissed.
The world will not stop turning if these matters wait until
5 January 2011 or later.
If you have read this blog at all, then you know that I favor
the Fair Tax as the needed stimulus. BHO has been anti-business.
Whether he is a socialist or simply anti-colonialist, his
policies work against a business recovery – since they are
anti-capitalist. At least one Federal Judge has also agreed
that the policies are also illegal (unconstitutional).

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