Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where do we go from here?

The Republicans won a net of about 63 seats in the House
of Representatives and about 8 in the Senate. Just as
important was the net increase in Republican Governors and
Republican-controlled state legislatures. Early next year
(8 weeks), the state legislatures will determine the
districts to be represented by the newly apportioned (2010
Census) House of Representatives.
The Republicans do not control the Senate or the
Executive Branch, but they will control who the checks are
written to. They can control the czars and czarinas by
defunding their bureaucracies. They can defund the EPA's
regulation of carbon dioxide. They can defund the
government jobs given as rewards for political support.
They can even defund the creations of previous
“progressives”: The Department of Agriculture, The
Department of Education, The Department of Energy, etc.
The Republicans – and the Democrats – need to understand
that the American people want the rule of law in the United
States. Politicians – like the Illinois Congressman who
said “I don't care what the Constitution says, it's the right
thing to do” - must realize that the Constitution is the law,
and they are criminals if they violate it. If they have sworn
an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution against all
enemies foreign and domestic”, then it is treason to violate
that oath. Congress may no longer pass laws without concern
for their constitutionality and defer to the Federal courts to
determine the legality.
The Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party movement is a group
of American citizens – most without political ambitions – who
love America and its Constitution. Many favor the Fair Tax
because it gives freedom to the individual. It frees American
corporations to compete in the global economy. It should
create a booming economy that would be the envy of the world.
It is the America capitalist system which rewards hard work
and innovation which has made America great. We do not need
to apologize for what we have achieved.
We need to let the United Nations be the world's policeman –
and hold it accountable. We should pay no more dues and
expenses than any other member of the Security Council (Gabon
for example). Our funding for the International Monetary Fund
and World Bank should be no more than any other voting member.
We have a national debt of almost $14T. Unfunded obligations
for Social Security, Medicare, Medicare Prescription Drug, etc.
make the debt more like $100T. We are broke. We are also
strong, smart, innovative, and we have a good foundation as a
constitutional republic. We have more than 200 years of
successful experience. Our schools can again be good if we
return to the Truth. We should proudly repeat our Pledge of
Allegiance and “In God We Trust,” and challenge those who would
diminish our founding principles.

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