Friday, July 2, 2010

Progressive Presidents in America

Please examine the three Progressive Presidents of the
United States of America: Woodrow Wilson, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama.
During Wilson's term, the Income Tax, Popular Election
of Senators and Prohibition Amendments were passed.
Millions of American lives were lost in a world war.
He tried to form a one world confederation.
During FDR's terms, the New Deal was passed. Most of it
was unConstitutional, and it was also a failure. The
precedent from 1921 was ignored. Unemployment was above
18%, and the deficit increased over 500%. Millions of
American lives were lost in a world war.
During Obama's term, taxpayers have become owners of banks,
insurance companies and car companies. There are unelected
czars running an ever-increasing part of our world. He has
alienated Israel and the U.K. - two of our best allies. He
has nationalized medical care. He has used "stimulus money"
as political money. Progressive states which have been
bankrupted by liberal policies will be bailed out as federal
taxpayers pay for generous salaries and retirements for
firefighters, police and teachers. All banks will be
punished for the misdeeds of a few banks. Congress has taken
no blame and has protected Fannie, Freddie and the Federal
Reserve - the three largest villains. When an Inspector
General uncovers improprieties, he is fired. When a General
disagrees publicly, he is fired. A failure to properly
regulate deep water drilling has allowed him to implement an
anti-carbon moratorium on drilling - again punishing all for
the few. His anti-business policies have made this the "Great
Recession." The Constitution has been ignored. We no longer
have a "rule of law."

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