Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Don Obama and his faithful companion Sancho Emanuel

Obama's fixation on alternative energy can be easily
compared to that of Don Quixote and his windmill.
The windmill is the savior rather than the villian for
Don Obama and his faithful companion Sancho Emanuel.
The fixation has distracted Don Obama from centuries
of supply of domestic, cleaner-burning natural gas which
could totally end the U.S. dependence on imported oil.
As we watch the oil from a deep-water well threaten the
beaches and ecosystems of the Gulf region, blame the
environmentalists and the government (and inept regulators)
for forcing off-shore and, in particular, deep-water
drilling. If the same subsidies were available for natural
gas as for wind and solar, then you would see the U.S.
transformed within a decade!
We currently sell our soul at 9.7 million barrels of imported
oil each day at $71.20/barrel.
China is building coal-fired power plants every week, but
they are also building state-of-the-art nuclear plants. Our
roles may be reversed in a decade.

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