Saturday, December 12, 2009

Politicians Don't Like People Watching!

Remember when Obama fired an Inspector General without
notifying Congress as required by law.
In Dr Thomas Sowell's book, The Housing Boom and Bust,
he states: When the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight — the agency overseeing these government-sponsored
enterprises — turned up irregularities in Fannie Mae's
accounting and in 2004 issued what Barron's magazine called
"a blistering 211-page report," Republican Sen. Kit Bond
called for an investigation of the Office of Federal
Housing Enterprise Oversight, tried to have their budget
slashed and sought to have the leadership of the regulatory
agency removed. Democratic Congressman Barney Frank likewise
declared: "It is clear that a leadership change at OFHEO is
overdue." Duh!
Sen. Bond received $95,000 in "campaign contributions" from
Fannie/Freddie. Sen Dodd got $165,000. This is just part
of $5,000,000 total.

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