Friday, November 6, 2009

Obamanomics Doesn't Work

The United States economy shed 190,000 jobs in October,
and the unemployment rate reached a 26-year high of 10.2
percent, up from 9.8 percent in September.

Obamanomics has made several threats to small business.
The Administration wants to equalize income. They will
supposedly keep the Bush tax cuts except for the "rich."
If small businesses file individual rather than corporate
tax returns and make more than $250K in income, then they
will have to pay a surcharge in addition to their income
tax. A value-added-tax was the method of paying for health
care in Dr Zeke Emanuel videos. This is a hidden tax on
all consumers - including the 95% that were not to get a
tax increase. An additional tax on insurance companies and
mandatory employer-provided health insurance will have the
same effect. The "cap and trade" bill provides taxpayer money
to minority and female-owned businesses. This "energy" bill
is just a racist, sexist vehicle for Affirmative Action.
The bill is also anti-business since total expenses will be
increased for businesses. Additional expenses have increased
for businesses which hire low wage individuals since Congress
has increased the minimum wage. Unemployment has increased
for teens, and teens have lost opportunities to gain work
experience. The Administration is also enacting tariff
barriers in violation of trade agreements and treaties. High
level managers are getting up to 90% pay cuts by the pay czar.
Businesses are reluctant to hire because of the above. These
are the same failed policies that FDR used.

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