Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Best Friend Mickey - 15 May 2009

We were blessed with him a bit more than 15 years ago. We were
the third owners, but it was, as has been said, the charm.
He gave us devotion, unconditional love, laughter and comfort.
During his life with us, he became my daily companion and gave
me reason to get up each morning. At times I wanted to drop out
of life's daily grind. He gave me a reason to keep going. His
courage and determination at the end of his life taught me a
lesson that I will carry in my heart and memory for the rest of my
A truth about myself which I must admit is: I am selfish. I did not
want to let go of something which I loved so dearly. Therefore he
suffered too long at the end. I pray that I will never have to do that
to any creature ever again.
Thank you Mickey, and thank you God for the gift of his life with

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