Friday, September 15, 2017

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA

___This was an unconstitutional action by Obama in June 2012 to ignore illegal immigration. The American peoples' elected representatives are empowered to create, debate and pass legislation concerning immigration. The Executive Branch enforces the law, and the Judicial Branch determines whether laws are constitutional. Neither the Executive nor the Judicial Branches may create law.

___The illegal acts of parents of these children were ignored during two year renewable periods. The Executive is to enforce the laws as passed by the American peoples' elected representatives in Congress. Obama and his administration encouraged violation of laws by their well known non-enforcement actions.

___Instead of applying for legal status during the two year deferrments, the parents and their children were content to do nothing and be content for the protection of open-border advocates like the Democrats and others.

___While I am sympathetic for the billions of people who want to emigrate to the United States, I also desire a rule of law in America. If the people want to change the law, then they may - by amending the Constitution. If Congress will not do the peoples' will, then a convention of states is allowed under Article V of the Constitution - not to rewrite the Constitution, but to legally propose amendments. Three quarters of the states must ratify any amendments whether proposed by Congress or the convention of states.

___I and my fellow Americans want controlled, legal immigration - not chaos! We also want assimilation (required of citizens by the 14th Amendment) not tribalism!

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Real Meaning of Labor Day

___In the early 1850s immigrants from Europe flooded into the United States. Most settled in the Northeast and took jobs in factories. The workweek was long, the pay was low and conditions were unsafe. It is ironic that Northerners called slavery immoral, but abused immigrants for profit.

___Later in the century and in the early 1900s labor organized and struck for a shorter workweek, better pay, benefits and a safe workplace. Child labor laws were passed to end the abuse of children.

___Northerners and West-coasters now have forced their homosexual and same sex morality on the United States. Those who ignore the lessons from history are condemned to repeat the mistakes!