The tax code has tens of thousands of pages because our government is corrupt, and the tax code is the weapon of choice. Votes can be bought and lucrative favors and post-government employment obtained with the “loopholes” in the tax code. The problem with getting rid of loopholes is the loophole which purchased your vote is precious to you. You may own your home because you want a deduction for the mortgage interest that you pay. It doesn't matter to you that renters must subsidize you and the real estate industry. Is that “fair”? Those generous folks who give to charities get a deduction. It doesn't matter that donors to non-profits who hate America get the same deduction.
If the Politburo – those with governmental power – simply removes some loopholes, then we have a flatter tax. We still have an Internal Revenue Service – expanded to tax those who refuse to accept PPACA. We still have a huge tax code. We still tax income.
Except for a few, we try to minimize the amount of tax that we pay. To do that we must minimize our taxable income. Do we really want to do that?
Instead of taxing income why not tax consumption? Then you decide where and when to pay taxes. The Fair Tax ensures that those “poor” and elderly who have incomes below the poverty line will pay NO tax. Those currently outside the tax system – drug dealers, prostitutes, black marketeers, etc – will pay a tax every time they purchase new things. The “rich” will still pay more than anyone else assuming that they continue to spend. Consumption taxes encourage frugality, so that $100,000 car or that $1 million third home on the beach or in the mountains doesn't look as good with a sales tax added. I seriously doubt that Warren [Buffet] and Bill [Gates] will radically change their lifestyle!
Taxes are too high. The income tax and fiat money have allowed the federal government to expand. It is almost impossible to cut spending – even at the edge of the fiscal cliff. Radical surgery will be required to fix the problems, but Romney is correct: the takers will not vote for it. The sheeple – those who believe what politicians say – think that the status quo can be permanent! Ignorance is bliss!