Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dr. Jack Wheeler on Obama

Barack Hussein Obama is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya . Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively.

What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it.

Let that sink in: Obama is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

America's Financial Demise

An item purchased in 1913 – when the Federal Reserve began – which cost $1 would now cost $23.14 according to

It is not gas and food and many other items which are increasing in price, it is the dollar that we use to pay for these that is decreasing in value. Although the Treasury and the Federal Reserve claim that they are working to keep the dollar strong, there is a strong incentive to devalue the dollar because of our debt. The facts show that the dollar has indeed been devalued.

Federal Reserve Notes once said “redeemable in lawful money.” During the FDR administration, gold was confiscated by the government. There has been no silver content in United States coinage since 1965. U.S. gold was no longer sold to other nations after 1971. As of February 2011, it costs about 2.4 cents to mint a penny.

The printing of dollars is necessary to replace worn out dollars and to keep up with growth. Printing less than necessary causes deflation; printing more than necessary causes inflation. The Federal Reserve has been printing more dollars than necessary in order to buy Treasury Notes. Wall Street loves “QE” because they are set up to handle the changes and benefit the most from the “stimulus.” Other nations have been reluctant to buy U.S. debt. Those that trade with us have a vested interest in keeping the U.S. economy afloat - especially China (exports about $130B/yr to U.S.).

The dollar is strong currently – relative to other currencies - because many of our trading partners are in recession (shrinking economies) or have massive debt. Many nations want a new reserve currency like the IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR) based on 5 currencies (dollar, pound, euro, yen, yuan). The U.S. economy will collapse when the dollar is no longer the reserve currency. Many – Ron Paul in particular – want to have our dollars backed by gold again. This restrains the printing of money. Inflation works as a tax and hurts the poor and elderly the most.

It is not possible for the current leadership – Democrat or Republican – to pay off our massive debt ($16 Trillion in national debt and another $115 Trillion in unfunded promises). You must run a surplus in order to pay off debt. There is no prospect from either party to do that. Medicare will be bankrupt in less than ten years, and Social Security will be bankrupt soon after that. The “takers” will not allow politicians to fix this. They will vote against anyone who tries. Over 40,000,000 in the U.S. have student loans totaling over $1 Trillion. They will vote against anyone who tries to raise their costs and for anyone who forgives their debt.

Many believe that the federal government can fix all of our problems because they have done so in the past. The facts are that “trust funds” have been raided and the currency devalued to “fix” these problems in the past. Now the trust funds are empty, and borrowing (kicking the can down the road) is no longer an option. No one will loan us money. Reagan told us that “government is NOT the solution, it is the problem.”

The United States is too rich a country to die. We will go the way of Mexico in the 1990s: the old dollars will be exchanged for new dollars in a 1000:1 ratio. If you have $1 Million in savings, then you will get only $1,000. If you got $2,000/month from Social Security, then you will get only $1,000/month or less due to bankruptcy. Doctors will not see Medicare patients – only those with silver or gold or SDRs.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Creating an Environment of Indolence

In July 2012, according to the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were still 12.8 million Americans unemployed. The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks and over) was little changed at 5.2 million. Another 8.2% were underemployed. The jobless rate for teenagers was 23.8% and for Asians was 6.2 % in July. The unemployment rate nationwide was 8.3%, but in North Dakota it was 3.0%; in South Dakota it was 3.8%; and in Nebraska it was 4%. In blue states like California it was 10.7%.

Employment in July increased the most in professional and business services, 49,000; leisure and hospitality, 29,000; manufacturing, 25,000; health care, 12,000; and computer systems design, 7,000. These changes in the types of employment were correctly predicted in Future Shock over 40 years ago.

The Obama administration is dismantling the welfare reform achieved by a Republican Congress and a Democrat President in 1996. The limit for unemployment compensation has been increased from 26 weeks to 99 weeks, and many then start receiving Social Security disability even though they are far from retirement age. The number of persons on food stamps stood at 46,224,722, a historic high, as of October, the most recent month on record. The government’s Lifeline Assistance Program gives out free cell phones and monthly service to 12.5 million Americans in need of financial help. The financially disadvantaged can receive a free government cell phone and up to 250 free minutes every month under the FCC's Lifeline Assistance Program. A recent video shows a girl who has more than a dozen. She explains that there is no check to determine need. She uses the extra phones to barter for money and drugs.

Over $1.25 Billion will be paid to minority groups who were “discriminated against” in USDA farm loans. The USDA has not kept records of loans that were declined, but blacks, women and Native American farmers have champions in Congress trying to pass appropriation bills.

Student debt is given without a credit check and without merit. Taxpayers are on the hook for over $1 Trillion. Over 40,000,000 borrowers owe us money. All are voting age.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Return of the Mahdi is Imminent

Two-thirds of a billion Muslims expect the Mahdi – the last Islamic imam they believe will come and rule the world – to arrive in their lifetimes. This expectation is most widespread in Afghanistan (83 percent), Iraq (72 percent), Tunisia (67 percent) and Malaysia (62 percent). Shi’as are more likely than Sunnis to expect the Mahdi to return in their lifetime, by an 88 percent to 55 percent margin.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Contrast of Political Visions

The visions of the Democrat and Republican parties are becoming clearer. The Democrat vision is that those in the United States are advantaged by the government and have/will become prosperous because of that. The Republican vision is that Americans “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” and that these rights and freedoms have enabled the United States to become the greatest nation on the planet. The former is a vision of dependency on government; the latter one of dependency on our Creator and self-reliance using the gifts that He provides.

Neither party is really for limited government although a handful of Congressmen may be. The Republican party has controlled the U.S. House of Representatives since January of 2011. The leadership has consistently caved to Democrat demands. Compare this to January 1995 when the Republicans took control of the Congress for the first time in 40 years (1955-1995). Ronald Reagan's accomplishments were notable because both the House and Senate were Democrat-controlled during both of his terms. Bill Clinton is held up as an example by the Democrats because he had budget surpluses in 1998-2001. With a Democrat-controlled Congress he had large deficits. Confrontation with Speaker Gingrich shut down the federal government twice before Clinton moderated his position. President Obama is seeking to undo laws like welfare reform which made the surpluses possible. He has ignored the Defense of Marriage Act (signed by Clinton) and the Immigration laws passed by a Democrat-controlled Congress and signed by Reagan in an amnesty compromise. The amnesty happened for millions of illegals; the enforcement did not. Now the President wants another amnesty. When the Republicans point out that the Democrats lied before and refuse, the President illegally grants the amnesty by Executive Order.

The federal government has formed a monopoly control of student debt. Over 40,000,000 voters now owe taxpayers over $1 Trillion. The interest rate was set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%. Congress is “working” to prevent that – especially in an election year.

Most Americans simply don't understand the math. It is not possible to service a $16 Trillion national debt and another $115 Trillion of unfunded obligations (Medicare, Social Security, pensions, disability, etc) with a $15 Trillion GDP. We somehow believe that we may fly first-class to Las Vegas, rent the most expensive suite, eat room-service food prepared by chefs, have parties etc. and put it all on credit cards for which we will only pay the minimum! How will the government save us then? The “safety net” programs have been so abused that soon there will be no money to fund them. If we pay $300 Billion each year for interest, then what if interest rates go from 1.6% to 10% (due to our poor credit rating and excessive printing of dollars) and interest rises to over $1Trillion/year! QE, QE2, QE3, etc confiscate the wealth of the “Makers” by devaluing the dollar, but eventually the “Takers” will suffer. Progressive-socialism will fail, because you eventually run out of other people's money!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Why Does Barry Hide His Past?

The President of the United States by Law must be a natural-born citizen of the United States. Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama was not properly vetted before the election in 2008 – possibly because Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate. Now that he is President, Barry has immense power to prevent access to information which might disqualify him and prove fraud. Since most media is controlled by liberals, it is difficult to force the administration to release information.

Many have said that it is relatively easy to obtain a Certificate of Live Birth in the state of Hawaii whether you were born there or not. The forensic team in Phoenix has declared the released version a fraud. Barry's Occidental, Columbia and Harvard college records are sealed, not because he is sensitive about his grades, but the records may reveal that Barry was enrolled and got money as a foreign student! His relatives have said that he was born in Kenya. To attend Muslim schools in Indonesia, Barry could not be an American citizen.

Barry has lied to the American people many times. He controls the sources of information which move markets and re-elect Presidents – Energy, Labor, Health, Housing and Urban Development, Census (information is not released for 72 years; current release is 1940!), etc. Barry and his subordinates have access to it all, and can spin data as they please.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

CAAP Statement on Same-sex Marriage

“We cannot and will not remain silent while marriage, the most fundamental institution in our and any nation, is undermined by our own president while using Christian language and relating it to civil rights. We stood, marched and fought against racial discrimination as legally and morally evil. It is a violation of the first principles of our faith that God created all men in His image, and the first principles of our nation that recognized that all men are created equal,”

“For activists, politicians and now the highest office in the nation to link sexual behavior God calls sin to the righteous cause Martin Luther King gave his life for is abominable in and of itself. There is no civil right to do what God calls wrong.”