Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Eugenics Has Evolved

While many in the scientific community have believed
the evolution idea; the idea is not science. The
scientific method cannot be applied to the evolution idea
since no observers lived at the “beginning” nor long
enough to see one kind becoming another; and no hypothesis
can be tested. There are no facts; only speculation – and
much fraud. A finch which becomes a “new species” is
still a bird. A scientific theory is a product of the
scientific method: gather data, form a hypothesis, test
the hypothesis, independently test and peer review the
tests and continue to test and evaluate as a theory. A
theory is a useful explanation of the observed facts.

Note that the scientific “theory” that the Sun and planets
rotate around the Earth has been disproved. As late as the
fifteenth century the Earth was believed flat even though
mathematicians had accurately calculated its circumference
by the third century B.C. Scientists - and politicians –
blamed global warming for the severe hurricanes in 2005,
but had no answer for the quiet seasons since then. The
major greenhouse gas is water vapor, but since politicians
have not figured out how to tax the Sun for warming the
seas, carbon dioxide is substituted as the villain.

Early in the 20th century the supposed mechanism of
evolution, survival of the fittest, encouraged eugenicists
to try to improve the human species by sterilizing hundreds
of thousands of less desirable Americans. Hitler was
condemned for his practices, but the same idea was put into
practice in the United States and Great Britain before
Hitler came to power. Since then the “science” of eugenics
has become “genetic engineering.” Murders by Hitler and
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, have been
replaced by isolating and replacing problematic genes with
desirable genes. Planned Parenthood still seeks to prevent
pregnancy among the inferior and kill the baby if prevention
fails. The black percentage of abortions is a disproportionate
percentage compared to the black share of the child-bearing

Thursday, February 9, 2012

More Unemployment to Come!

President's Day is when 0bama steps out of the White House,
and if he sees his shadow, we have 2 more years of

[Unashamedly plagiarized!]

Actually the economy is improving despite Obama. Between
legal and illegal vote buying, he may be re-elected :-(