Friday, September 16, 2011

Walter Williams on SSA Ponzi Scheme

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Obama's Strawman Tactic - Sowell

Our intelligence was insulted even further in President
Obama's speech to Congress, when he set up this straw man
as what his critics believe -- that "the only thing we
can do to restore prosperity is just dismantle government,
refund everybody's money, and let everyone write their own
rules, and tell everyone they're on their own."

Have you heard anybody in any part of the political
spectrum advocate that? If not, then why was the President
of the United States saying such things, unless he thought
we were fools enough to buy it -- and that the media would
never call him on it?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Impeach Obama Now!

Can America survive 16 more months of Obama? If you track
Obama's first two years against FDR's first two years
(1933-1935), then you see many of the same policies. Both
had Democrat majorities in the House and the Senate. Both
passed legislation and wrote Executive Orders which were
illegal. Both filled cabinet and high-level jobs with
academics who had little if any real business experience.
The “progressive” policies put in place were anti-business
and forced millions of Americans onto unemployment and made
the still productive folks support them. At least both were
honest about “redistributing the wealth.” Both wanted the
“rich” to “pay their fair share” - and government would
determine what was “fair.” Median unemployment during
1933-1940 was over 17%. Current unemployment is 9.1%, and
no jobs were created in August. Keynes warned FDR that “even
wise and necessary reform may, in some respects, impede and
complicate recovery.” Compare these depressions with the one
in 1921 which lasted less than one year. The government –
and the Federal Reserve – took a hands-off approach.
Coolidge said “the business of America is business.”
FDR's U.S. Treasurer Morgenthau, represented the concerns
of American businessmen that the goals of the New Deal were
not clearly defined, and the consequential costs were
excessive. In May 1939 he stated “We are spending more
money than we have ever spent before, and it does not work.
After eight years we have just as much unemployment as when
we started, and an enormous debt to boot. “ Those who do not
remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Insanity has
been defined as trying the same thing [stimulus spending] and
expecting a different result [less unemployment]. With
Sarbanes-Oxley, Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, etc. businessmen are
unsure what their employee costs will be, and they are
reluctant to hire anyone.
Obama took an oath when he became President, but he lied.
He has refused to enforce U.S. Laws that he disagrees with –
Immigration, DOMA, etc. He is using the NLRB to keep jobs
from right-to-work states like SC. He has offended Israel.
He is guilty of high crimes and should be impeached – even if
the Senate will not try him. Unfortunately a majority of
voters get a check from him, and will vote to keep the checks
coming. Obama, Geithner and Bernake are intentionally
devaluing the dollar. This is currently a 3.6% (and
increasing) regressive tax. Usually the elderly get a COLA to
compensate for the loss. A weak dollar helps debtors [U.S.]
and makes our exports cheaper. Our credit rating has already
been lowered – and George Bush is no longer to blame after 3
years of Obama.

2012 Elections Are Coming!

A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!

Let's Take a Stand!!!

0bama: Gone!
Borders: Closed! Legal Immigration continued.
Language: English only!
Culture: Constitution, and the Bill of Rights!
De-empahsize Diversity: Diversity is devisive. We want
citizens who want to be Americans!
Drug Free: Mandatory Drug Screening before Welfare!
NO freebies to: Non-Citizens! (Cancel the free health
care, free college education, social security, welfare)
Emergency care will be given followed by arrest by ICE.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

FDR and Obama's First Two Years

In 1933, FDR had Democrat-controlled House and Senate.
With little opposition, he was able to pass a large number
of new Federal programs into law.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 1 million men, 18-25
years, $1/day Plant trees, control tree diseases, build fire
towers & truck trails; Parks: paths, picnic areas, facilities.
$2B (1933-1939) mostly to western states

Public Works Administration (PWA)
Built roads, school buildings, dams, warships, bridges

Works Progress Administration (WPA) Permitted FDR to spend
nearly $5B at his discretion. He could select the projects,
determine the amount to be spent, and fix the wages. Indiana
Democrat county chairman V.G. Coplan told James Farley, FDR's
campaign manager, “What I think will help is to change the WPA
management from top to bottom. Put men in there who
favor of using these Democrat projects to make votes for the
Democrat Party.”

Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Behind-the-scene banker for the New Deal – buying PWA
bonds, etc. Government funds were spent without any apparent
increase in appropriations and without passing any
appropriations bill. Fiscal independence gave Roosevelt the
power to act without specific Congressional authorization.

In 2009, Obama had Democrat-controlled House and Senate.
With little opposition, he was able to pass a large number of
new Federal programs into law.

Fiscal stimulus bill was almost $800B. Congress did not
appropriate or approve funds for individual programs. Funds
were spent on “infrastructure projects.” Money went to
Democrat Party supporters.

Troubled-asset Relief Program (TARP) Taxpayers
bought/guaranteed financial instruments with sub-prime
mortgages. Politicians had "encouraged" banks to make the
sub-prime mortgages or face civil rights suits. Greedy
bankers were blamed for foreclosures.

Federal Reserve bought financial instruments and Treasury