Thursday, May 19, 2011

God May Punish the U.S.

Obama made a speech demanding that Israel roll back its
borders to pre-1967 war borders. This has been an Arab
demand since they lost the territory by attacking Israel.
It is totally unreasonable for many reasons:
Isreal will lose much of its defensive capability
God gave Abraham/Isaac/Jacob the land from the river in
Egypt to the river Euphrates forever, so Israel has given
much land already.
The current situation is untenable. Israel needs to take
back Gaza and the West Bank. The demand for a security
corridor connecting the two controlled by Hamas is meant
to divide Israel in two. Both Gaza and the West Bank are
used to smuggle weapons to Hamas. Israel is regularly
attacked from Gaza.
Whenever the king ignored God's clear plan, the entire
nation suffered. This has also occurred when modern
leaders ignored God's clear plan.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Give Keynes a Break!

It is a shame that Keynes is not around to defend himself.
He knew about the business cycle. He could have meant that,
if government had to spend anyway and the timing was flexible,
spending should occur during troughs in the business cycle
whenever possible. Any good idea can be perverted. Putting
500 in a lifeboat designed for 50 is an example. The outcome
is probably bad.