Monday, August 30, 2010

Another Reason for the Fair Tax

If illegal immigrants number 12,000,000, and we divide
them into 3,000,000 families of four, using an annual
poverty level of $29,000 spending per family and the Fair
Tax rate of 23 percent, the tax per family is $29,000 x 23%
or $6,670. We get 3,000,000 x $6,670 = $20,010,000,000
in additional tax receipts.
Under the FairTax, U.S. citizens are reimbursed in
advance for taxes paid on basic necessities. This means
they pay no Federal tax on these necessities: a family of
four receives $6,670 as a “Prebate.”
However, those who are in this country illegally will
still pay the FairTax on the first $29,000 they spend, or
$6,670 per family, and they will NOT be entitled to the
Prebate. The result: On the first $29,000 of spending,
illegal aliens will wind up paying 23 percent tax and U. S.
citizens 0 percent. They will have that much less money to
send back to their country of origin. They will be less
likely to stay in this country illegally. Our government
will receive at least $20 billion in additional taxes. With
the Fair Tax we have a win-win situation!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

LTE: Federal Budget Deficits

In recent LTEs and comments, the POTUS has been given
credit for the performance of the economy during his
term in office. Democrats like to point to the fiscal
responsibility of Bill Clinton and the surplus that he
left when he left office. Americans who are ignorant
of the Constitution have accepted this half-lie hook,
line and sinker.
Using Clinton as an example, the Federal government
ran a deficit of $420B in the first two years (Democrat
Congress). The deficit in the next three years was $300B
(Republican Congress). The surplus in the next three
years was $410B and the first Bush year was $175B
(Republican Congress). The net deficit for Clinton's
eight years was $310B.
The most important factor appears to be Congress. This
is logical since Congress has the Constitutional budget
responsibility under Article I, Section 8. This is not
really the case now that stimulus bills have been passed
which have given the Executive over $800B to spend without
additional approval. According to, 436,348
jobs have been created using the initial stimulus bill.
The jobs have cost between $72,230 (VA) and $205,350 (IL)
each. Going into elections, $285B of the initial stimulus
has not been spent and is available for timely "targeted
needs." Congress refuses to return the excess to the
Treasury even though the United States has had 4 quarters
of GDP growth which ended the recession and the "crisis."
Americans are naive if they believe these $billion$ will be
spent in a non-partisan way.
Unemployment is still high because of the uncertainty
among employers about health care expenses for employees and
new taxes, and because much stimulus money went as grants to
irresponsible governments to pay for bad policies and to

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anchor Babies and Immigration - Again

In the Congress in the 1980s amnesty was granted to 2.5
million illegal aliens as part of a compromise to close
loopholes in immigration laws. Employers of illegals
would suffer severe fines and possible imprisonment.
Unfortunately only the amnesty of illegals was real.
The laws have not been enforced because politicians need
votes to stay in office. Even though they take an oath to
"support and defend the Constitution against all enemies
foreign and domestic", they choose to protect themselves at
the sacrifice of the Constitution and the rule of law.
Congress should immediately pass the following:
Citizenship shall not be granted on the basis of an illegal
This will make the 14th Amendment more clear. It
currently has two requirements for citizenship:
1) All persons born or naturalized in the United States,
2) subject to the jurisdiction thereof
It is clear to me that a pregnant female who enters the
United States illegally for the purpose of having the baby
born in the United States is not subject to the jurisdiction
It is clear that all babies born under such illegal
circumstances are not citizens. Lindsey Graham is wrong to
grandfather these pawns of criminals. We welcome legal
immigrants, but we are a nation of laws - although the Federal
Government seems to have forgotten that.
Consider the absurdity of the wife of an Ambassador to
the United Nations or other foreign diplomat gaining
citizenship for her newborn. Diplomats are not subject to the
jurisdiction thereof. They and their families have "diplomatic
immunity." Those who enter the United States illegally are
also not subject to the jurisdiction thereof. By their actions
they reject that jurisdiction!