Wednesday, May 26, 2010

SC Fair Tax - Lt Gov (candidate) Bill Conner

We are facing near record unemployment in our state right now.
The jobless rate has fallen by nearly a point from its zenith,
but remains far too high. The reason for this is clear - we
have grown government to unsustainable levels while taxing
businesses out of our state, or worse, out of existence.

Texas has shown us the way out of this mess. Our beaches are
better than Texas. Our wetlands are more beautiful. Our golf
courses are better. Our places to hunt and fish are better
than Texas. South Carolina is simply a better place to live
than Texas.

But, Texas has no personal or corporate income tax. As a
result, businesses have flocked there rather than here. What
do those businesses do? Create jobs - Texas has about half of
our unemployment rate at this writing.

We know what happens when you tax something - you get less of
it. That's why the legislature just passed an increase in
the cigarette tax; it's not about how much money they make on
the tax hike, it's about how many fewer people smoke as a
result of it. So why are we surprised when a state like ours
that taxes work winds up with fewer workers who have jobs?

So what should a state with an ailing economy do to give it
a permanent boost? Let's end the South Carolina personal and
corporate income tax.

Now, some say that would be difficult to impossible from a
budget standpoint. Where would we "replace" $3B in revenues
that the state receives from income tax? First, that question
ignores the reality of what happens in the economy when you
stop taxing work. If every small business in South Carolina
had that money back in the bank account instead of in the tax
revenue account, we'd be able to create so many more jobs that
sales tax revenues would naturally increase. That doesn't even
count the increase from enforcement: with the FairTax
everybody pays - illegal immigrants, underground economies, no
one is exempt.

Unfortunately, the budget writers in the Legislature don't
account for that sort of thing using their static budget
models, so we'll have to "find a way to pay" to eliminate the
income tax. This is easy - our state currently boasts $3.1B
in sales tax exemptions: on groceries, Thanksgiving weekend
purchases, back to school supplies, that sort of thing. If
we simply ended the sales tax exemptions, we could eliminate
corporate and personal income tax tomorrow.

That's what I support. An overhaul of our tax system that
ends corporate and personal income tax and replaces it with
sales taxes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quote of the Day - Dr. Walter Williams

If the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage
black academic excellence, he could not find a more effective
means to do so than the government school system in most

State of AZ and Illegal Immigration

Whereas, The Constitution Party platform affirms the integrity
of the international borders of these United States and the
Constitutional authority and duty of the federal government
to guard and to protect those borders, including the
regulation of the numbers and of the qualifications of
immigrants into the country; and

Whereas, the Federal Government has wrongfully neglected its
role to guard and protect our borders, and thus all Americans,
from an unprecedented invasion of illegal aliens;

Whereas, the State of Arizona, in the dire straits of enduring
the brunt of most of the illegal crossings of the national
border, has passed Arizona Senate Bill 1070 which was signed
by Governor Jan Brewer on April 23, 2010; and

Whereas, this Arizona law enables its Law Enforcement officers
to enforce federal immigration law using federal standards
protecting the rights of all citizens, and are required to do
so without violating civil rights and without resorting to
racial profiling;

Whereas, the Arizona law does not require new documentation
such as a national ID card, but uses existing identification
documentation to establish a presumption of legal status;

Therefore be it Resolved, that the Constitution Party National
Committee stands with the people of Arizona and applauds the
State of Arizona and its Governor Jan Brewer for its recent
action to protect and defend it citizens, our country, and the
sovereignty of both the State of Arizona and the United States
of America.